

From protecting your website to securing your services, contracts are the bread and butter for every company and are necessary to run a safe and profitable business. Stockman & Poropat, PLLC assists clients with all sorts of agreements, from theory-crafting to drafting to review and negotiation, we handle it all.

Operating Agreement & By-Laws

The most important agreement for your business is your Operating Agreement or By-Laws. While the name of the agreement might change depending on the type of entity you’ve chosen to create your company as, the important and intentions of the agreement are the same. These agreements lay out the rules and guidelines of your company. From who the members are to how voting is split to how money is spent, these agreements are literally the beating heart of your business.

Privacy Policy

Privacy is a huge concern right now and it should be high on every company’s priority list. Privacy policies are not as simple as copying a form into your website. They must be hand crafted for each individual business and must be continuously updated. Failure to do so could lead to potentially major concerns later on especially if your clients or users of your website are residents of California or the European Union, where the California Consumer Privacy Act and General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) reign supreme with very strict rules for use of and disclosure of data collection. We assist clients in drafting, reviewing and updating their privacy policies to ensure they are as accurate as possible.

Terms of Use

The terms of service is your agreement with your users. It’s important to understand what your users are agreeing to and what you need to include in your terms of service to protect yourself and your company to the fullest extent. The terms of service are literally the front lines of your protection and should be treated as such. Without a proper terms of service for your website of application, you or your company may be vulnerable to unnecessary risk. We assist clients in drafting and reviewing their terms of service to ensure they are protected.

Service Agreements

Service Agreements are your contract with your clients. These agreements are what determines what services or goods you are providing, how much the client is paying for them, what (if any) warranties or refunds are included and even what the limits of your liability are. It’s incredibly important to craft your services agreements to your specific goods or services as every industry has caveats and nuisances that are not common across the board. Let us perform a complete evaluation of your services and craft the exact service agreement that is right for you.

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